
Catheter Application/Removal Pack

Cath-it offers the perfect solution for safe and simple catheterisation or catheter removal within a community setting. The pack contains all the supporting materials required for both procedures, allowing the clinician freedom to choose what size/type of catheter, leg bag and lubricant to use. Each pack is sealed separately allowing the removal pack to be used at a later date if so required. Unique in design the pack supports non-touch technique, thus promoting best practice and minimising the risk of infection.



Cost and time effective option.
Easy to use and facilitates best practice.
Twin pack system to prevent wastage.



Cost and time effective option.
Easy to use and facilitates best practice.
Twin pack system to prevent wastage.



Cost and time effective option.
Easy to use and facilitates best practice.
Twin pack system to prevent wastage.


Catheter Insertion:
1. Wash hands with soap and water, and dry with a clean towel.
2. Open Cath-it Application pack onto cleaned working area.
3. Carefully spread out wrapping to form aseptic working area; touching only outside corners.
4. Put on apron, and use waste bag to organise components onto aseptic field.
5. Position waste bag for waste of use during procedure.
6. Clean hands with soap/alcohol gel and apply sterile gloves.
7. Apply aseptic fenestrated drape and modesty drape over genital and between legs.
8. Cleanse urethral orifice area with saline using non-woven balls and swabs provided.
9. Apply lubricant according to manufactures guidelines.
10. Dispose gloves in waste bag; clean hands with soap/alcohol gel; apply sterile gloves prior to handling of catheter.
11. Using non-touch technique insert catheter.
12. Once catheter is in bladder using non-touch technique inflate balloon with sterile water.
13. Using non-touch technique attach collection bag.
14. Dispose of waste & gloves.
15. Clean hands with soap & water.

Catheter Removal:
1. Clean hands with soap and water.
2. Open Cath-it application pack onto cleaned working area.
3. Carefully spread out wrapping to form aseptic working area; touching only outside corners.
4. Put on apron, and use waste bag to organise components onto aseptic field.
5. Position waste bag for ease of use during procedure.
6. Clean hands with soap/alcohol gel and apply sterile gloves.
7. Attach 10ml syringe to catheter valve to deflate balloon.
8. Deflate catheter balloon.
9. Gently withdraw catheter.
10. Cleanse meatus with swabs if necessary.
11. Dispose of catheter and used equipment according to local policy and wash hands.



RHC Code Description PIP Code NHS Code UOI Case Qty
908410 Small 370-1034 EHC522 5 20
908420 Medium 370-1042 EHC523 5 20
908430 Large 379-6935 EHC524 5 20

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Please note that while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content presented, it is purely for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.