SilTact for Skin Tears
FAQs for Patients
What is SilTact?
SilTact is a soft silicone wound contact layer. The dressing acts as a thin, flexible, and non-adherent layer over the skin tear that protects the wound and allows any fluid to pass through into a secondary dressing. SilTact is comfortable because it adapts to the shape of the affected body part.
Why have I been prescribed this dressing?
You may have been prescribed SilTact for skin tears because it creates a protective layer over the wound and the surrounding skin. SilTact ensures that any secondary absorbent dressings will not stick to the wound. SilTact also allows fluid to pass through into a secondary dressing and be cleaned without interrupting the healing process.
How often do I have to change SilTact?
This depends on several factors and your clinician will be best placed to decide how often your SilTact dressing should be changed. However, SilTact can be left in situ for up to 14 days, even if your outer secondary dressings are changed.
Will removing SilTact be painful?
SilTact has a gentle silicone adhesive, meaning that pain during removal should be minimal. This is because, unlike traditional dressings with acrylic adhesives, silicones do not dry out, instead remaining tacky throughout use. This means that SilTact will not adhere aggressively to the skin, ensuring ease of removal and pain-free dressing changes.
Could I be allergic to SilTact?
Allergic reactions to silicone dressings should be rare because silicones generally have low toxicity levels. However, this does not mean that reactions are impossible. If you believe you are having an allergic reaction to the dressing, cease use immediately and consult your GP for advice.
Why does SilTact have perforations?
SilTact’s mesh design is designed to facilitate fluid management. The dressing’s structure prevents blood and fluid from pooling under the skin flap, minimises leakage into the surrounding skin and facilitates cleaning. This reduces the risk of maceration, soreness and infection.
Why is SilTact transparent?
One of the key priorities of skin tear management is preserving the skin flap. This requires the flap to be realigned and remain in a fixed position throughout the healing process. SilTact’s transparency allows your clinician or carer to see how your wound is progressing without having to remove the dressing. This is useful because it minimises pain and prevents any disruption to the wound healing process by reducing the number of dressing changes.
Will SilTact stick to the wound?
SilTact has been designed to adhere to dry, healthy skin, but to remain non-adherent to a moist wound bed. This means SilTact is unlikely to stick to the wound. However, if this does occur, please consult your clinician.
Can SilTact be cut?
SilTact can be cut to shape. However, the dressing comes in multiple sizes and it is likely that your clinician has already selected the appropriate size for your skin tear.
Where can I buy SilTact?
We do not sell SilTact directly to the general public. However, if you contact your local pharmacy, they will be able to order the dressing on prescription for you from one of our authorised wholesalers.
How should SilTact be stored?
SilTact should be kept away from direct sunlight and stored in a dry area at room temperature.
Useful videos:
How to apply & remove dressings
Silicone dressings
Inappropriate dressings
Useful articles:

How to dress a skin tear – Download this article

A breakdown of the key benefits of silicone dressings for skin tears

A guide to skin tear management best practice
Please note that while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content presented, it is purely for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.