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Our Planet

Our planet is facing unprecedented environmental challenges caused by climate change. The shift in global temperature has given rise to natural disasters, poor air quality, unsafe drinking water and contaminated food.

Healthcare has a large climate footprint, accounting for 4.4% of all global emissions. [1] This figure is comparable to the carbon footprint of the NHS, which comprises 4% of the UK’s total emissions. [2] These emissions can be attributed to the delivery of care in both acute and community settings, supplier manufacturing, transportation, building energy, prescriptions and waste.

As a supplier to the largest healthcare organisation in the world, we are working with our key business partners to reduce our direct and indirect emissions, implement more sustainable building and logistics practices, and extend the life cycle of our products. We aim to create a stronger, more resilient and greener operational infrastructure that will guarantee quality care without damaging ecosystems or perpetuating health inequalities.

Our Ambitions, Progress and Outstanding Objectives

Our Planet

Useful articles:


  1. Pencheon D, Wight J. Making Healthcare and Health Systems Net Zero. BMJ 2020;368:m970. Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m970
  2. NHS England and NHS Improvement. Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service. 2020.https://www.england.nhs.uk/greenernhs/publication/delivering-a-net-zero-national-health-service
  3. Pencheon D, Wight J. Making Healthcare and Health Systems Net Zero, 2020. BMJ; 368: 970
  4. NHS. Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service, 2022: 8. Available at: B1728-delivering-a-net-zero-nhs-july-2022.pdf (england.nhs.uk)
  5. Pencheon D, Wight J. Making Healthcare and Health Systems Net Zero, 2020. BMJ; 368: 970
  6. NHS. Health and Environment. NHS Long Term Plan. Available at: NHS Long Term Plan » Health and the environment
  7. Jameton, Andrew, Pierce, Jessica. Environment and Health: Sustainable Health Care and Emerging Ethical Responsibilities. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2001; 164(3): 365-366
  8. Hu, Howard, et al. Sustainability in Health Care. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 2022; 47: 173
  9. Hughes, Lindsey. Uncovering Innovations to Unlock a Healthier Future. NHS England 2022. Available at: NHS England » Uncovering innovations to unlock a healthier future